We are discovering quickly that some of Callie's fussiness might just be a BIG appetite. We started feeding her more cereal yesterday and she started eating Stage 2 Baby foods today. She ate 4 meals today and still took her normal tube feeds.. what a little piggy.. way to go Callie! She also started her twitches again this weekend. Very mild this time - Thank God! When they happen she does not sleep much. Yesterday she was up for over 13 hours and then only slept for 1 1/2 hours. She sure does not take after me.. I like my sleep way to much.
We also had family pictures yesterday. We should get them later this week. Zak cried through most of the pictures, so the majority of them are of Callie. She was not all that happy either. Oh well.. the photographer we have is amazing and very patient. She does it out of her home so it is much more relaxed for them.
Chris was hoping to get out bow hunting this weekend, although he never made it out in the woods. He spent some time today getting ready for next weekend - OPENER! He will be at the cabin with the relatives starting Thursday. Thankfully we have nursing on to help me or I don't think I would be sleeping at all.
Today I went out to breakfast with one of my closest friends. The food was on the table with in 10 minutes however breakfast took us 2 hours. It was so nice just to catch up and get out for a while. Much needed.