Friday, May 7, 2010

SNOW, Parties and Doctors

Snow, Parties, and Doctors.. what a combination!

It is snowing in Central Wisconsin!! Here are pictures of the landscaping 2 hours apart! It does look very pretty though. I am sure it will melt quickly.

Callie and Zak were at the clinic again this week. This is the month of Doctors. Monday was a recheck for Callie to make sure her g-tube site (feeding port) was no longer infected. She got the all clear on that and her ears. She is now on ointment to make sure it continues to heal right. She was up to 13lb 11oz - way to go big girl. I also brought Zak with since we were on the way home from Therapy. I had her peak at his ears while we were there since he had some drainage. Come to find out he has a perforated ear drum, which mostly means his ear tube is also out. We go see the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist this coming week.

Callie has been spending more time on her tummy - although she does get mad when she gets stuck and cannot figure out how to get to her back again. She is little miss energetic this week. She is getting more active. She sure is a lot of fun.
Zak has also been full of it this week. It was so cute last night. I was laying on my back playing with him. He was sitting at the top of my head. He leaned over and kissed my forehead and sat back up. Then my nose and chin. He just smiled. Then he pounced on top of me and did a belly flop and just laughed and laughed. It was so cute!

Tomorrow is a day full of parties! Chris's sister is getting married in July. We are throwing her a wedding shower tomorrow morning and the bachelorette party tomorrow night. I am looking forward to going out with the girls, but I cannot remember the last time I stayed out so late. Should be interesting - we will see if I can manage to stay awake.

As for Chris and I.. we have been working on stories for the past few months and finally posted them on the blog. On the right side is A Mothers New Dreams and a Fathers Perspective. Also, check out the other links. The stories about Holland are very touching and really do a great job of explaining what life can be like with a special needs child.

Thank you again for all of your support - don't forget to leave your comments. We love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. WOW on the WAOW story! You are great parents and its neat watching the kids through this blog. I used to count on Kathy for the info but I love being able to SEE their progression through the pictures you share.
    love Cheryl & Thom
