Friday, July 2, 2010

A week to Recoup!

It was a week of recovery from running for two weeks straight. It was great to see family, but I felt like I hit a brick wall! Tuesday I woke up sick! Seriously it is June/July, why am I getting a cold. My body just had enough. I was pretty much out of commission until today. I am finally feeling a bit better. Callie seems to be doing fine, so I am guessing that might be where the germs started. She just finished her antibiotics from the week before. Monday I had to get her eye drops since her pink eye would not go away. She looked good today! I thought for sure Wednesday that Zak was getting sick. Hopefully he will just sleep it off. And so far Chris is healthy!

Zak has his first big fall. He was trying not to nap on Wednesday and was playing with the blinds and fell in his crib, hit his head and scraped his face. I think he was more scared than hurt. Poor guy. He continues to become more active every day. This morning I was getting ready to leave and he kept grabbing onto me while I sat on the couch. He wanted up, then he would just laugh. It was adorable. Those are the mornings it is very hard to go to work. Then I pick up Callie to kiss her good-bye and she smiles. I just love my kids!

This weekend will be spent at home laying low. We are having the family over tomorrow for a fire and dinner. That is the only plans. Maybe find time to watch a movie on the couch and just hang out with the kids. I can't wait!

I hope everyone has a great 4th!

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