Monday, October 31, 2011

We have moved!!!

We moved on Saturday into the new house. It was a long weekend, but well worth it. The kids seem to be adapting very well. Callie really likes the cork floors. She like to rub her forehead on them. Zak enjoys walking around the house in his gait trainer since he can finally move around. We had our first family dinner at the table already on Saturday night. We were busy moving things the past few weeks as we would get things packed so the move on Saturday was mainly the big items. Soon I will take some more pictures and add them

Dining room

Tonight was trick-or-treating for the kids. We always take them to a few houses each year.. the same few. This was by far the best they have been for halloween. They were so good getting in and out and visiting new house. I was so proud of them both. They were both ladybugs.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Surgery, Sick Kids, Smiles....

It has been a crazy few weeks.

Callie had surgery on her eye. It feel a little over a month ago and they had to fix it again. I was suppose to have tonsil surgery, however it was pushed out two weeks as the doctor is out. In the mean time we have been busy moving boxes to the new house. We move a few loads and unpack. At least this way it has not been too stressful trying to do it all in one day. We just have our beds, living room and all the kids medical stuff left. We are suppose to have the inspection tomorrow so moving is not far off.

Callie had surgery a week ago. Everything when great and she is seeing well again.
This is Callie with her eye marked before surgery.

Recovery.. she is still sleeping here. Now she sleeps with her eye partially open.

Zak was starting to get sick..feel asleep playing.

Happy as can be.. BIG smiles

So tired. Callie was tired feel asleep on the floor. Zak snuggled up tight. So cute.

The patio is in at the new house. I LOVE IT

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fall Fun

Last weekend we took the kids to Trigs for there annual Pumpkin fest. Zak was not impressed with the fun this year.

Callie in her stander

Pony Tail!! Pretty Hair