Saturday, February 4, 2012

Surgery - Tonsils

Callie went into the clinic 2 weeks ago for her ears. We knew it was only a matter of time before they would tell us they could remove her tonsils and adenoids. The surgery was scheduled for February 3rd.

Callie went in yesterday - they did remove her tonsils and adenoids. Everything went well, exactly as planned. They also scoped her nose since we did not think she really had much of an airway. It was confirmed that her airway is narrow to non existent. The doctors have taken note and are collaborating to decide what the next steps with be. Also they removed her right ear tube since it was causing some issue and was clogged. They cleaned up her left hear and kept the ear tube in place. She does have an infection in that ear so they are treating her with IV antibiotics while we are in the hospital.

We expected to stay 1-2 nights. Callie was doing very well yesterday after coming out of the surgery. Later in the evening the swelling started to set it. With her already having a narrow airway and having sleep apnea it made for a Long night! We tried several different BiPap settings, Pain meds, relaxation meds. She only slept good for about 1 hour. Today she is feeling much better and keeping her BiPap on. Depending on how the day goes and how all of her labs look we hope to be home tomorrow.

Please Keep Callie in your Prayers as she continues to heal!