Saturday, August 28, 2010

Doctors apointments

The kids had there doctors appointments this week. Zak's MRI on his neck went very well. We are happy to say things look great! They showed us the scan of his spinal Cord prior to the surgery and now 2 1/2 years later. It is amazing to see the changes. His spinal cord was 1/3 the size it is now. We are so thankful everything was a success and have not had any more issues. He also met with GI and nutrition. Everything looks good. He is up to 33 pounds.

Callie's also went well. She had all of her developmental evaluations in the morning. They did recommend a benik vest. It looks like a neoprene life jacket that fits tight. It will help her sit up more straight when we are working on therapy. She is also going to get Ankle Foot Orthotics (AFO's). These are ankle braces that will help her ankle stay at a 90 degrees bend so she does not lock her knees when she stands. We pick those up in 2 weeks. She also met with GI and nutrition. They are pleased with how she is doing. We got back in December to re-check her formula. That will most likely be our last visit with Dr. Park as he is getting ready to retire. He is an amazing doctor and has been a huge asset to our medical team over the years. We will miss him so much!!!

This will be another busy week as Zak starts school!!

Monday, August 23, 2010


What a weekend.. of house work! Much needed, but not much to show. Chris spent most of the weekend working outside on the deck. Fixing it and getting it to code. The kids and I hung out inside and did house work. I finally went through Callie's clothes and packed up all the ones that were too small. Zak's room is next. It seems like it is never ending, but the end result is always nice. The kids did great playing together but by Sunday afternoon they just wanted attention. Zak is so cute trying to play with Callie and show her how all the toys work. Callie has been doing really good on her tummy pulling her head up. She is at such a fun stage! And watching the kids together makes me smile every time.

Tomorrow will be a day at the clinic. I am really not looking forward to it. Callie will have her special needs clinic appointment in the morning from 7:45-about 11. All the different therapist and neurologist, physical medicine doctors come in and evaluate her and if she needs additional equipment and therapies. Then it is off to the dietitian, GI and endocrinologist. While I am busy with that Chris will take Zak in for an MRI. His left leg gets clonus, which is like twitching. It always has happened since we found out about his neck. It gets better and worse at times so we are having an MRI to make sure everything is still going ok. I pray we get good news! Then he will also see the dietitian and neurologist and GI doctor for follow ups. Our last appointments are at 4:00. Watch for another update soon.

And the picture of the day... Zak trying to help feed him self today by pushing his whole face into the pudding container, he is so adorable! Who ever said kids need to eat with a spoon?
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Eventful Week

It was an eventful week! Chris was out of town on business Monday through Thursday. Cousin Angie came over often in the evening to help me with the kids. Grandma and Bumpa were also over in the evenings to say hello.. bumpa had to wear Zak out for me! It is so nice to have such wonderful family that is always willing to help out!

The kids had a big art project this week with the nurses. They tie died t-shirts! They are so cute. Zak also colored pictures for us.

Callie has been working hard at her therapy. She now fits in the walker and loves it. Big brother is a HUGE help.

Zak Helping Push Calling backwards - then she did it her self!!! Way to go Baby Girl!

And just for Fun... Sammi helping Zak eat pudding!

Callie had her 18 month appointment on Friday. She is 16lb 1oz and 26inches long.  She did have a skin infection in her cheek so she is back on antibiotics again. UGH.. poor girl. Her poor little butt is already raw. She is still on oxygen. There is no hope of getting off it soon. Her tonsils are still enlarged. We will need to make an appointment with ENT to see what they want to do, it will probably be something we will have to monitor. I am hoping we don't need to do a sleep stuffy any day soon, it is not a fun thing with a baby. She is too young to have surgery to take them out. Since she does ok when she is awake and we can control her oxygen levels at night that is the plan for now.

This weekend my mom and Bother came to see us. It was nice to have them visit and see what we have been up to. Chris went to a boy scouts event to celebrate 90 years and counting for troop 409. What a huge success. I was able to spend some time with the kids. Zak is to the point he can wear a person out. That is a HUGE accomplishment. I am so proud of him.

This week is Grandpa Dan's B-day. If you see him be sure to tell him Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Oink Oink

We took the kids to the WI Valley Fair on Friday Night. One of our Friends Family was at the Fair as her Children raise Pigs as part of 4H. Zak got a very close look at the pigs! Yes they are Real!

We had a good time walking around seeing people we have not seen since last years fair. Soon it was time to go home and get ready for bed time and allergy meds.

Callie is still on oxygen, but every day she is getting better. She is on such a small amount, but when we take it off her oxygen levels drop. We go back in this Friday. Hopefully we will be off by then.

Zak started to Wave Bye-bye again. He goes in spurts if he will do it or not. It is so cute! I definitely think he is missing school and all of his friends. Summer school ended so we have a month off. I am definitely ready for school to start again so he can get worn out a little more. We increased some of his therapy for this month since he is not getting any through school. We have got a lot of new ideas and things to work on.

Monday, August 2, 2010

3 Days out and about

Three days in a row the kids were out and about!

Thursday night was the community kickoff event at Great Dane. We met some amazing people and are so thankful to have everyone in attendance. This project is possible because the amazing community we live it. I am grateful to call Wausau my home. If you were not able to attend, but are still interested in helping contact Ellie at River Valley Bank 715-348-1450.

Friday night we took the kids to a bonfire at a friend’s house. They both did great laying on the blanket playing. Even though they had two layers of bug spray Zak now has lumps. When he gets a bite he welts up horribly. He got 4 bits, although it looks terrible it does not seem to bother him.

Saturday we took a road trip to Park Falls to see the family. Both kids decided they did not need to nap all day. I am not sure how they did it, but Zak was defiantly tired when we got home. We invited Chris’s cousins over and had pizza and a movie while the kids slept. It was nice to relax and actually watch a whole movie!

Sunday was defiantly a day to re-coop and catch up on the house chores.

Today we had Callie back to the clinic as she is done with antibiotics, however she is still on oxygen. They did an x-ray that showed her lungs were clear. No clue why she is still on oxygen. Her tonsils still look slightly larger. We go back in a week and a half for a recheck.