Monday, August 23, 2010


What a weekend.. of house work! Much needed, but not much to show. Chris spent most of the weekend working outside on the deck. Fixing it and getting it to code. The kids and I hung out inside and did house work. I finally went through Callie's clothes and packed up all the ones that were too small. Zak's room is next. It seems like it is never ending, but the end result is always nice. The kids did great playing together but by Sunday afternoon they just wanted attention. Zak is so cute trying to play with Callie and show her how all the toys work. Callie has been doing really good on her tummy pulling her head up. She is at such a fun stage! And watching the kids together makes me smile every time.

Tomorrow will be a day at the clinic. I am really not looking forward to it. Callie will have her special needs clinic appointment in the morning from 7:45-about 11. All the different therapist and neurologist, physical medicine doctors come in and evaluate her and if she needs additional equipment and therapies. Then it is off to the dietitian, GI and endocrinologist. While I am busy with that Chris will take Zak in for an MRI. His left leg gets clonus, which is like twitching. It always has happened since we found out about his neck. It gets better and worse at times so we are having an MRI to make sure everything is still going ok. I pray we get good news! Then he will also see the dietitian and neurologist and GI doctor for follow ups. Our last appointments are at 4:00. Watch for another update soon.

And the picture of the day... Zak trying to help feed him self today by pushing his whole face into the pudding container, he is so adorable! Who ever said kids need to eat with a spoon?
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