Sunday, December 19, 2010

Updates from the clinic

Callie had Clinic appointments all day on Thursday. Things were ok, nothing great other than her weight. They were very happy with that.

As for her heart, it is the same. Which is great news as it has not got worse. However she will most likely need surgery at some point. Hopefully we can still wait a few years, but each time we go in we will learn more. She does not see the heart doctor for 6 months again. Basically the pulmonary valve us thicker creating a heart murmur. She also has the hole in her heart from birth that is not closing. They will continue to watch the structure of her heart, at this point both chambers are functioning equally.

We also saw the ear Nose and Throat doctor as there has been some concern with her having fluid in her ears that has not gone away. Chris has been concerned with hear hearing as well. They did determine she does have a lot of fluid in her ears where the ear drum is not even moving so she will be needing ear tubes. We are scheduled for Jan 11th. We will have to spend the night in the ICU as they are worried about her breathing and apnea spells since she is always on oxygen when she sleeps. 

This Tuesday they are going to do a barium test to see where the food is going when she is fed through the g-tube. She gags a lot and sometimes (more often than not) she gets food up into her mouth and she should not be able to since she had stomach surgery. After the test we will meet with the doctor to see what exactly may be going on.

We are still working on the apnea and oxygen issues. We are not sure yet what the next step will be. As soon as we know we will be sure to post.

This week Zak also goes in for Special Needs clinic where they evaluate all his skills and determine if additional equipment will be needed.

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