Thursday, January 27, 2011

No Answers Yet

Today we went to the Hospital to have Callie Sedated again and have an MRI and CT. We were admitted right into the PICU. It has been slightly over a year since we have been there. We were greeted in the hallway by all of our favorite nurses. It was great to see all the friendly faces again along with a few new ones. The sedation and intubation went very well. The tests took about an Hour. She woke up very well and was her typical self very quickly. Since she was doing so well they let us go home today. We were discharged at 4:00 and met with neurology. We really did not have any answers yet since the Radiologist had not read the reports. We have also been scheduled for a sleep study for Sunday night. This will help to answer some more of the questions. Both our Neurologist and Pediatrician are out of the office next week so I am not sure how much information we will get.

Also, Zak now has a Cold so he stayed home from school today. I am hoping he can keep it to him self and not share with the family.

As soon as we know more I will be sure to post it.

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