Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wonderful Week.. and it is only half over!

The kids went to the eye doctor yesterday and we received a great report. Not much has changed with Zak, but we are going to up his glasses script since it is not at full strength yet. Callie's vision seems to be good and right on target with other children her age. No glasses for her... and she likes to watch her TV.

Today Callie went to the allergist. Of all things she can be allergic to we found out she has a Mouse allergy! I was shocked. That was the only thing that came back. Since she is already positive for something they will retest if any symptoms get worse or in 4-5 years. She was put on allergy meds for now since we did have some little friends in the basement this past winter. Hopefully when we move that will make all the difference.

Zak then followed up with ENT which was great. His ears look good. He goes back in 6  months, unless we think he has an infection before then!

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