Sunday, June 27, 2010

Congrats Jessica and Todd Stewart!

It was a LONG FUN weekend! Jessica - Chris's sister got married this weekend. Friday we had a pig roast for the grooms dinner. Chris, his Dad, Mom and Family did a wonderful job! Saturday was a great day, we all had lots of fun.. some more than others :) Jessica looked amazing in her dress, she sure makes a beautiful bride. Today was definitely a day to recoup.. my oh my! I know why we never go out anymore. More stories later, but now it is time for bed! Here are some pics

Todd, Dan and Chris starting the Pig!


Pastor John Helping "clean" the pig!

The wedding

Jessica and Todd saying their Vows

Jessica and Todd with Zak and Callie

Todd, Grandpa George and Jessica

Our Family :) Aren't we so cute all Cleaned up!
Me and The Cousins! Toni, Amie and Angie
Jessica and I

The Dance!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


We took our first vacation with both kids.. although we had a good time I am not going to rush into another one any day soon! We planned to go to North Dakota for my cousins wedding - which she was beautiful!! We decided to head out a few days early to see friends and just be away from home. We really did not do much which was nice to relax and just be with the kids which was wonderful! Wednesday we met with our Friends from when we lived in MN. Thursday we planned to do some out door stuff, however it was bad weather. We watched a tornado touch down about 2 miles from the hotel. Very scary. Friday we went to an air museum and the kids had enough so it was back to the hotel to nap. We went swimming lots. Zak loves the pool, Callie too! Saturday was the wedding. It was gorgeous. Congrats to Kailey and Bill!! and it was great to see family.

Zak at the Air Museum on an airplane

Zak and Cousin Angie in the air plane

Callie - not to happy sitting on a pink plane

Cousin Kailey and Uncle Dick- She is GEORGOUS!

The happy Couple - Kailey and Bill

Zak and the beautiful bride

Callie and the Cute couple

And Callie's Cute Toe nails! Her first time they were painted.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A day with Old Friends!

We got to see Friends yesterday that we have not seen in 3 years!! It was great to finally see them again. We made the drive with the kids and Cousin Angie to North Dakota. The kids did well on the drive out, Callie was very excited to get out of the Car seat and stretch her legs (that pic is on my other camera - I will post soon). The 7 1/2 hour drive took 10 with the breaks, but we made it.

Pool time with the Boys - Travis holding Zak and Brady and Chris playing catch.

Travis and Zak

Angie and Callie - I love the swim suit

Cale Playing Catch with Travis and Zak

And my Favorite! Brady Holding Callie. He just loved her, it was so cute.

Let us know what you think.. we love to hear from you!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Where do the days go?

Summer is here and we are all busy. Sometimes I am not sure where the time even goes. When I sit down to blog and a week has gone by I think what have we been busy doing and where has the time gone?

Zak started his first day of summer school today! He gets to go swimming each day, how exciting. The report I got was he had a great time. School will be 6 weeks long with lots of swimming and fun activities.

The weekend was spent trying to catch up. Running the errands that never happen and just spending some time with the kids. Yesterday Chris was able to get out Fishing for the first time in Years! He even caught some fish, but released them all. I stayed home with the kids and we watched the new Alice and Wonderland Movie.

Zak has been working on playing nice with Callie. His new thing is to grab her hands and feet and put them in his mouth. Her little fingers must taste much better than his. I always have to keep my finger in his mouth too. I am so afraid he will just bite one of these days. Any one that knows Zak knows to never put a finger in his mouth. He is so gentle with Callie’s fingers though. It is adorable.

Callie has been working on moving and talking. She is always busy doing something. She has so many noises I just love it! She knows she is getting to be such a big girl too. She is still 110% motivated to move and get brother. She still gets mad when she gets to her tummy and cannot crawl yet. She is such a determined little girl and just keeps trying. She still needs to work on her sleep though. Last night she slept 1 hour! Seriously, where does she get this from. We love our sleep.

The two weekend will be spent with Family as we celebrate Marriage! My cousin is getting married this weekend – Finally! I am so proud of her. She has been busy with Med school. I don’t know how she planned a wedding on top of it. The following weekend is Chris’s sister’s wedding. Chris, Zak and I are all in it so we will be very busy running around. For the grooms dinner Chris’s parents are having a huge pig roast – YUMMY. They do such a great job too.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Emotional Roller coaster

It has been a week of ups and downs. The excitement of Good news at Callie's doctors to the battle of her twitches again. The joy of watching Zak crawl to the battle of fighting with insurance to cover allergy medication. It is always something.

Callie started her twitching again on Thursday. Our doctor was out of the office on vacation so we had to work with the on call specialist. After many phone calls back and forth and a few med changes we hoped something would work. I took her into the clinic yesterday just to make sure nothing else was going on since she did sound more congested. She was put on antibiotics for a possible sinus infection. Yesterday they slowed down and today she finally stopped twitching. It does make for some long days when we just are not sure what is going on.

Zak has started to crawl even more. Before we had to motivated him and it would only be a couple steps a day. Now he is doing it on his own and even more so with encouragement. At least 2-3 times a day he will crawl several steps. It is so exciting. When we get all excited and tell him good job he stops and just smiles. It has been so exciting. Zak also graduated from Pre-K this week. It is so hard to believe he is growing up and will be in Kindergarten next year. WOW, where does the time go.

Among the ups and downs this week we did make it to the air show in Eau Claire with the family. It rained most of the time we were there. We took a quick walk to see what was all there and then hung out in the car with the kids. The noise did not bother Callie at all, but Zak hated it even with ear plugs in.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Great News for another day!

We had Callie's Heart Appointment Today. Although she was not to particularly happy with being poked at she did a great job! Her heart still remains stable and unchanged. She still has a strong heart murmur, but we are still able to buy time hoping it will just get better. We do not need to go back for 6 months! How wonderful. The next time she will need to be sedated to have the test done since she is getting to be so active which makes it more difficult.

Tomorrow is Zak's Allergy appointment and Callie's Endocrinology for her Thyroid. Hopefully it will all go well.