Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A sick house!

Last Monday evening Callie woke up with the puke flu and on Tuesday Zak followed. Within 2 days it turned into the nasty cold that is going around Central WI. Callie seems to be getting through it doing well. Zak was not doing well by Saturday and took two trips to the ER. The first one for dehydration, the second to get oxygen at home for pneumonia. On Monday morning Zak was perking up and looking much better. He was playing with Callie a little. He went into the clinic in the afternoon for a follow up and was doing well.  
At 5:30 on Monday night he was sleeping and started to choke – we knew something was not right and took him to the ER again. He was not responding when we got there – later to find out his C02 levels were way to high. They were 104. He did become responsive in the ER, but they had to intubate him for transported him to Marshfield to the PICU. They did leave him intubated over night and sedated him so he was comfortable. His CO2 has dropped to 45 (which is very good). He still had a fever of 103 and the pneumonia. They have been doing lots of blood work, swabs and other tests to see if they can find anything. This afternoon we were told he has Influenza A. Since he has been symptomatic for a week they cannot give him anything else. Meds would need to be administered within two days of onset. So for now they are slowing decreasing vent settings and see how he does. So far so good! The fever is starting to decrease. He is very comfortable and doing much better than 24 hours ago! Thank you for all the prayers - They are helping!

Zak did have a busy day today with the doctors and nurses checking in on him. He also had a PT session to work on stretching to make sure he is not falling behind any ( he was not- he did great). Also our Pastor came to visit, Jessica - one of our nurses, and Grandma Kathy. Zak has a HUGE monkey balloon. I can't wait for him to wake up more and play with it since we always call him a Monkey.

Since Callie is not 100% they suggested that she also gets swabbed so she was in today and will follow up with the doctor tomorrow.

We will update more when we can.

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