Sunday, December 1, 2013


Once again the last month has been crazy. That seems to be our story lately.

Callie came home from the hospital and was back to herself in about a week. It was so happy to see our little girl back playing and exploring all about the house. On Nov 7th we noticed that her incision was a little red and the Neuro team had us add an ointment. The next day she had eye surgery to repair her eye. She has a history of ptosis (lazy eye lid) and the past surgery "broke" on her right eye from all the swelling she had from her April surgery. This was a planned surgery that was very successful. Two days later she was back to exploring and this time seeing much better. However her incision on her head was looking a little icky and we found out she had a yeast infection in it. We changed the medication and thought we were in the clear.

In the mean time Zak had a few appointments and we found out he has two hernias and will be having surgery December 5th. We met the doctor for the first time and it was adorable what Zak did! The doctor walked in the room and was talking to Zak. (This is so impressive of a doctor because they address the kids first.) Zak looked at him smiling, grabbed his white coat, pulled him in and gave him a huge hug! When the doctor thanked him Zak smiled and clapped. It was lit Zak knew this was the doctor to fix what was going on. What a proud parent moment.

Next was onto the allergy/immunologist appointment with Zak. We have been watching him for immune issues for some time now and time is the only way to figure things out. Zak was just diagnosed with hypogammaglobulinemia. The only easy way to describe this is immune deficient. We will continue to watch his blood work and what the winter brings. Upon any illnesses we will work with our doctor to determine if/when treat will  be started.

I was thinking we finally have a good plan, the holidays are upon us and now I can relax and just enjoy family was my plan for the remainder of the year.  Well it was a Great though right? Chris left to go hunting and the kids and I had a relaxing weekend. Both health and happy. I just smiled all day and snuggled with them. We watched movies, played toys, read storied and of course Callie's enjoyed eating. One of her favorite past times :)  Unfortunately Chris did not bring a deer home as a buck never came close enough, but at least everyone was back home safe. We enjoyed our Thanksgiving with Family and Friends. It was a nice relaxing day. Chris and I even got out to do some black Friday shopping among clinic check ups for the kids. Callie looked great. Our doctor was happy how well she looked. However that afternoon is when things changed.

We got home Friday afternoon to what seemed a normal day in the Teeters' house. The nurses were watching the kids, they Kids playing, getting their g-tube feeds, meds complete and Callie following us around on all fours as we unpacked and picked up. One of the nurses was sitting on the floor next to Callie as she was playing and mellowing down for a nap. She feel asleep on the floor and a few minutes later started to foam from her mouth. The nurse asked me if I have ever seen this before and I ran to Callie as this was nothing she has ever done. She was starting to turn blue and was non-responsive to us. We grabbed Chris and the other nurse and hooked Callie up to all her monitors and oxygen. A call to 911 was placed and to grandma to come watch Zak. What seemed like hours was 15 minutes before the ambulance arrived. Callie was struggling to get her oxygen levels up. She was starting to move her right side of her body, but nothing from her left. We got Callie to the local hospital close to our house and there she was intubated to stabilize her. The only thought at this point was Callie just had her first Seizure. She needed to be transported to the PICU in Marshfield. She was flown there and given lots of anti-seizure medication. It was so hard to think she was doing so good and so quick her life once again changed. The ICU doctor met with us and laid out a plan. She was hooked up to more monitor for seizures. Had a CT and everything looked normal. Friday night she spiked a fever of 102.9 which took about 15 hours to get it to start coming down. Saturday morning they took out her breathing tube as she was breathing on her own. We consulted Neuro and the ICU doctor and came up with a new plan for Callie. As a team we decided Callie needed to be moved to Gillette in MN where all of her Neuro has been done in the last year. 3rd Hospital in 2 days. I never thought I would say that. All I could think was up to this point how lucky our daughter had been. The first responders and EMT on site were so calm and got Callie to the right place. All the staff at Aspirus took great care of her to get her ready to move. The ICU staff in Marshfield really listened to us and discussed everything with us 110%. The transport staff so caring and passionate about what they do. As we waited to transport I reflected on all the people that helped stabilize Callie and made such critical decisions. I also reflected how God really works in mysterious ways. Any other Friday Chris and I would have been at work and Zak would have been at school. Instead all 4 adults were at home to help Callie.

Saturday afternoon Callie was all packed up and ready to be flighted to MN when the team got a call from the pilot and they were having maintenance issues. Callie would wait a few more hours and be transported by ground. I was able to ride in the back with her and this was the first time we could start to see her personality coming back. We were reassured by this time she had full movement and a few smiles and cries to let us know what she though. We made it to MN at 9pm to start the next part of our journey. They all know Callie and our family so well here. This has become a second home to us. I wish I never would have to say that, however we know we are in great hands and we have a place that knows us. By 11:30 we had a plan in place to figure out what is going on with Callie.

This morning she has an MRI to get some more answers. They are also opening up her incision site as it is not healing correctly. Depending on what all is found will help us develop a plan.

Now we wait and pray!

For Regular updated Find us on Facebook. Annie Renelt Teeters or Chris Teeters. We will update this as time allows with more in-depth details. As always thank you for everyone's support and prayers and we go through another challenge.

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