When Callie was admitted again to the hospital I did not understand why our little girl needed to go through this. I still don't and really don't think I ever will. But what I do know is she is in great hands and if we have to be in a hospital I know this is the place to be. As of now the thought is she had a seizure from an infection. There really is no way to prove this, but it is what makes the most sense. I pray every day that is the case so she does not have a "seizure disorder" to add to her list of diagnosis. She has been quite spunky and awake (most at night and early morning). She tends to sleep away the afternoons.
Our week started on Monday with Zak coming to visit Callie since he had appointments. Chris stayed with Callie and I brought Zak home. The snow started to fall about 1 -2 hours before appointments were over so it did make for a longer drive home. As much as I love a white Christmas I just wish the snow would find a way to stay off the roads :) If only.. right! I was busy getting everything in line at home and getting Zak ready for his surgery on Thursday. Everything was packed up for me to come back to Minnesota on Wednesday so we cold do another kid swap and I got a phone call from Zak's Surgeon. It was the dreaded phone call that the Surgeon could not do his surgery as he was having some of his own Medical Issues. My heart broke in that split second that the doctor told us he had a back up plan and a different doctor was going to take his place and still operate. After I got done with my "interview" of questions about the new doctor I too felt OK with this option and we could continue along on our plan. Once again the drive was not ideal, but thankfully god watched over our travels.
On Thursday Morning Zak went in for his hernia repair and did great. I sat on the edge of my seat, actually laying on the couch from Callie's hospital room waiting for the play by play Chris provided. As Zak's typical self he did think sleeping for two days was a good plan. This lead to a nasty cough and lots of Oxygen. By Sat morning he was back to the Zak we know and love so much.
In the mean time Callie and I just hung out and played all day in her Crib. I think she likes when Mom tries to climb up and snuggle in. She is all smiles. On Thursday Callie got a very special visitor who flew in all the way from the North Pole. Santa always comes to visit Callie and Zak along with all of their Friends at Shared Blessings the first weekend in Dec. He must have been watching over her closely and took a little detour on his way.
Friday was an emotional day. The roller coaster of emotion already started a week prior when this whole event started. I try so hard to stay strong for the kids and Chris. My stomach was a bit uneasy waiting for her BIG surgery on her neck. That was supposed to start at 10. At 9 we got a call that it was going to be delayed a few hours. I thought OK, I can deal with this. Really that is not all that unusual. Finally word came in that the Doctor was out ill. They might have a back up plan. Another surgeon was currently operating on another kido (actually the same surgery) and he may be able to do it at 2:00. Well that Surgeon came to talk with us at 2:00 and felt we should wait for Callie's doctor to operate. A few reasons, it was getting late in the day and the surgery would late into the evening, outside of externalizing Callie's shunt he had never been inside her neck and really if at all possible it is best to have the same surgeon. So we were back to waiting and getting a new plan. For anyone that knows me - not having a plan in place rips me apart. I can deal as long as I have a plan.
As if that was not enough for one day. I was very grateful to get the Ronald McDonald house for the night. About 10:00 my head hit the pillow and I was so thankful for a cozy bed just across the hall from Callie. At 11:00 I was abruptly woke by a man opening my door - he said Sorry and left. I was in a bit of shock trying to figure out how someone else had a key to the room. I was freaking out with everything imaginable going through my head. I went to talk to security who kinda blew me off so I went to find the Nursing supervisor. That was when I finally broke down. I just wanted a good night sleep. Security is not taking me seriously and I don't know if this is a crazy guy that somehow got in (through two locked doors) or was it an honest accident. The nursing supervisory was amazing, what else would I expect everyone is at Gillette! (She talked to security who is actually Regions security team) She put me in a patient room just so I could catch up on sleep away from all the beeps. Granted, not as nice as the other room, but I felt safe and could get a few hours of sleep. By morning it was discovered that it was an honest mistake. A sensor went off in the room of some kind. It was the maintenance man who came to fix it, not realizing I was sleeping in there. It apparently shocked him as much as me. Now I must say I don't give the man a whole lot of credit for smarts though. If you know your job and the facility you would have know by walking in the first door that you were in the Ronald McDonald house. Also again if you know the facility you would have known the purpose of it and that at 11:00 pm people are probably sleeping. Lastly if he just would have said.. oops I am sorry I am maintenance and did not know someone was in here I would not have freaked out all night long. Someday when we are back at home all snuggled in I will look back on this and laugh, but that day is not today :)
This morning our surgeon came to talk with me. The poor doctor still did not look 100% but almost there. Thankfully it was not a flu bug, but food poisoning. What a trooper to still come in on Saturday and round with his patients. The decision was made that we will put in a PICC line for IV access on Monday. This way she can go home on IV antibiotics and hopefully avoid another return stay. On Wednesday our surgeon with do her neck surgery for Chiari Malformation along with moving her shunt from her head to her middle back. Hopefully she will have a quick recovery and we will be on our way home on Friday! I am not excited waiting until Wednesday, however if it what is best for Callie the wait will be worth it. I am just ready to get her home and healthy again.
Big Brother visiting Callie in the Hospital
Going in for a Kiss
A nurse and friend Decorated Callie's room for her
Smiling at her best friend
Special Guest - Thanks Santa for Flying all the way here to see us!
'Bumpa' (Grandpa) making her giggle.
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