Monday, April 26, 2010

A new look at the world

Callie had her function vision test today from the State. We recently requested they come do this testing so we would know how Callie uses her vision. Well we were a bit surprised to learn Callie has Cortical Vision Impairment.I had never been told this before so you can imagine my surprise! I am still learning exactly what it is - so far I know it has to do with the brain, not the eye. We have a lot of learning ahead of us. The great news however is Callie's functional vision - meaning how she uses her vision is the same as a typical 14 month old. She does has a spot mid line that is a little more difficult for her to see, however she has learned to turn her head slightly to see better. We also learned that she is more light sensitive than Zak so we will need to get her a good pair of sunglasses too, hopefully she will wear them. I got a great education on sunglasses as well which was very helpful. I just love the people from WI center for the blind and visually impaired, they are always so helpful and full of information.

This past weekend we had Heidi and the kids over. It was so nice to see them and spend some time together. We miss them already! We made a double batch of egg rolls, there favorite food to make when they come. Chris's cousin and parents also came to help. There were over 100 rolls! WOW. and they were yummy! Everyone was able to take some home and we stocked the freezer. I think we are set for a while. The kids and Chris enjoyed playing Wii, Heidi and I caught up and told old stories from High School. That is when you know you are getting old. When you can start telling stories. I never thought I would do that! LOL.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Annie ~
    Danny has CVI also, if you have any questions let me know and I'll try and answer them for you. Take Care!
