Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cutest Kids on the Block

We just got our Christmas pictures and Callie's 9mo pictures back. Our photographer Nicole did a great job.. I just cannot say enough Great things about her! She does a great job with the kids. The were both very craby that day too. You wouldn't even know it!

I like to play with my feet!

Big boy standing Tall!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

So happy!!

What a great weekend! Both kids have been so happy for a week now. This weekend was absolutely amazing. I was able to spend time with both kids and just play - it was so much fun. I did not want the weekend to end. Chris left to go Hunting on Thursday. I was a bit nervous they would be a handful. God was watching out for us! Callie has been full of smiles and Zak just laughs ( I think to hear himself make noise). They really are such a blessing. Also, both of my kids have taken up a new love.. eating! I really am not used to feeding kids so much. Not to mention diaper changes come along with that. I have had 4 people in the last week comment how Callie's face is filling out. We are already taking bets on what her weight will be on Wednesday. 2 weeks prior she was 8lb 2oz. As much as I hate to see my little baby grow up it is so exciting that she is putting on weight and looks so much healthier. Zak is also begging for food every chance he gets. We will feed him dinner sit down to eat and he is right at our feet.. along with the puppy. It just makes me laugh.. then he laughs and we just giggle back and forth. Last night he thought sleep was over rated. He went to bed at midnight.. got up at 4am. WOW. Where they get there energy I will never know.
I also got my tree up this weekend. Zak was interested in it at first. Then when I put on the ornaments.. he loved it! All of his special ornaments are on the bottom. He likes to hide under the tree and pull on his ornaments. We even had to tie it to the wall.
Chris got home today.. no deer. Seems to be the story with everyone. What the heck is going on? He hopes to get out latter in the week.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Picture Night

Both Kids are in a great Mood tonight! I LOVE IT!! Zak and Callie - Happy as can be

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I love to Eat!

We are discovering quickly that some of Callie's fussiness might just be a BIG appetite. We started feeding her more cereal yesterday and she started eating Stage 2 Baby foods today. She ate 4 meals today and still took her normal tube feeds.. what a little piggy.. way to go Callie! She also started her twitches again this weekend. Very mild this time - Thank God! When they happen she does not sleep much. Yesterday she was up for over 13 hours and then only slept for 1 1/2 hours. She sure does not take after me.. I like my sleep way to much.

We also had family pictures yesterday. We should get them later this week. Zak cried through most of the pictures, so the majority of them are of Callie. She was not all that happy either. Oh well.. the photographer we have is amazing and very patient. She does it out of her home so it is much more relaxed for them.

Chris was hoping to get out bow hunting this weekend, although he never made it out in the woods. He spent some time today getting ready for next weekend - OPENER! He will be at the cabin with the relatives starting Thursday. Thankfully we have nursing on to help me or I don't think I would be sleeping at all.

Today I went out to breakfast with one of my closest friends. The food was on the table with in 10 minutes however breakfast took us 2 hours. It was so nice just to catch up and get out for a while. Much needed.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Good Reports!

We had Zak's conferences today. I am so proud of him. The teacher and therapists all had great things to say about him. They think he is really starting to understand basic tasks and is doing a good job interacting with the kids. I always love to hear stories about how they all interact together. I just have to laugh when they say he would rather play ball with kids his size instead of the adults. Then tonight Grandpa stopped over and played with Zak. Daddy and Grandpa are always good for a few tosses in the air. Zak was laughing and giggling so hard I could not help but laugh. I actually remembered to grab the video camera for a change.

Callie to had a great report! We finally made it to 8 pounds!!! She was 8lb 2 oz.. YIPPIE!! Granted I wish she could stay tiny forever, however reality is she is much healthier when she grows. I let our pediatrician know we would be going for a second opinion with a neurologist. She was ok with this, also said she is going to talk with our current neurologist and see if there are any medications she thinks we can try when Callie has her twitching. Hopefully they can come up with a plan. At this point I am willing to try anything.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Day!

Both of the kids had such a great day. Zak finally went back to school for the first time in 3 weeks. We just could not take a chance with his weakened immune system from surgery. His eyes are looking good and he has so much energy. I know I say this all of the time, but he really is such a happy boy. I to just watch him play and wonder what is he thinking. He is an amazing boy. He has taught me so much about patience and just being grateful for life.
Callie too had a good day. She has been off all pain meds now for a few days. Today she rolled over to look at Zak in the jumpy. She also enjoyed standing for a while. It was the first day she really liked doing her therapy again. Also, great news. I got her in for a second opinion in Madison. Not until January 6th, however it is on the books and we were able to get in. I hope this doctor has some ideas. I just do not like to see Callie in pain.
Chris is out of town on business so it has just been the kids and me. It is very strange with two kids and just me. I am still getting used to it. He will be home tomorrow thankfully. The house just seems so empty when he is gone.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Ups and Downs

We all have our ups and downs so I know everyone can understand exactly what I am talking about when I say I don't even know what emotion I am feeling anymore. The last week has been a bit of everything. Last Thursday Callie came off of oxygen for the first time since coming home. I was so excited, yet so stressed out. I was finally able to take a breath full of joy and excitement that finally our little baby girl is pulling through everything she has been through the last few weeks. We were making huge progress. I was so excited to tell everyone I knew how great she was doing. Even tolerating her feeds. Half way through the day I got a phone call from our nurse who was taking care of Callie while we were both at work. Only to find her twitches were back. I wanted to cry.. right there at my desk. I still had one last bit of hope it would just go away with the surgery. I always thought there could be nothing worse than watching your child suffer. When these happen she twitches and screams non stop. It breaks your heart. I think I have learned 1 more thing worse than watching your child suffer...it is watching them suffer and having a doctor look at you in the face and tell you just to document it. Honestly, that is what we are told. She has had seizure tests and they are fine, so we are told just write it down. If I knew why she was crying and if it hurt her or just scared her I would feel better. Most of you that know me well know what I have been doing in any free time I manage to find.. yes searching the Internet for anything that makes sense. We are working on getting another opinion..starting with Madison. Someone has to have an idea. Typically these episodes last 36 hours and suddenly she just snaps out of them. This time about 60 hours... She is still moody, but today is the first day since Thursday that she seems better.
On a better note. I went to a seminar last Thursday on Special Needs trust funds. It was given by a local lawyer.. completely Free! It was so amazing. Great information. Even if you do not have a special needs family member it was a must listen too. It gave me a lot to think about it caring for our children's future. Also this weekend was nice to lay low and enjoy the weather. My dad and his friend came to visit on Sat to visit and see the kids. Then Sunday we just got the regular house work done - laundry and cleaning as the kids would let us.
Zak is doing good.. he will be going back to school again this week. First time in 3 weeks. They have the class field trip to the school forest on Wednesday. Then conferences on Thursday. The teacher told me we need to start talking about kindergarten.. I nearly feel off my chair. I know we like to think they will stay small for every, but reality is they do grow up.. our little baby boy going to a big boy school. Pre-K or early childhood did not seem like such a big step. I wish we could just take his teacher with. I am sure there are plenty of great teachers out there, but his current teacher is amazing. She does a great job with him.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Doing good

Finally things are calming down a bit. Yes, there is still plenty of excitement though. Last night we saw a big difference in Callie. We were able to turn her oxygen down even more finally. She is now on the lowest setting and her oxygen levels are staying at 95. (anything above 90 is good). When we turn it off she drops to 85-88 though. Hopefully all we need is a little more time. She drank juice for her first time today and actually liked it. She has not wanted much in her mouth since surgery so it was nice for a change. Last night she liked laying on my shoulder. It was so nice just to cuddle with her again. She is almost off pain meds too. We just want our little baby girl all back and feeling good again. We are almost there!

Zak is so funny. He just starts laughing for no reason. I only wish I had half the energy he does some times. He is learning more each day..becoming such a big boy. His new thing is to push down your chin so you open your mouth. You would think he is going to jump on in. He gets so close just looking in your mouth. If you shut it he pushes on your chin again until you open. We did this for nearly 10 minutes. Wow, your mouth can get soar. At least at the dentist you get a little break and can shut your mouth.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Plugged up

Callie did ok this weekend...until her newly placed tube got plugged up. No food in, no gas out. After trying to get it cleared for 10 hours we ended up at the clinic to find out her prevacid medicine to treat her acid plugged it. Then while the doctor was working on the tube I looked down to notice.. an ear infection! Thank god for ear tubes. To think the standard is 6 ear infections in a year. We are on number 4 in 2 months. I am very thankful the doctor decided to put the standard aside in Callie's case and put in ear tubes.

Callie has been very cranky today. We are trying to get her off of pain medication and the tummy pain from being plugged has not helped the cause. Not much will sooth her. She is still on oxygen, but seems to be doing better. We tried to give her a bath since she is able to get her incision wet again. She was not even happy sitting in the bath water, which usually she is.

Zak is going to be out of school for his third week. Our doctor thinks it is best with everything going around and Callie still healing. It is getting hard to figure out the schedules though. Zak's eyes are starting to heal and he is feeling good!